Kennedy Alleva
Marketing Director
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31
My life has always been centered around the three things I love most: God, my loved ones, and creativity.
Being the oldest of 6, three boys and three girls, you need a lot of Jesus and a whole lot of creativity. Whether it was coming up with fun new games to play, new snacks to make, rules to break, or simply ways to keep my siblings out of my parent’s hair, creativity was necessary. You could say creativity and responsibility were built into me. I learned from a young age that helping as much as I could, made everyone’s life a lot easier. I have always liked being there when people need me.
When I graduated from Southeastern University with my degree in Business Administration – Marketing/Communications I knew my creative career was bound to take off, and I would be able to continue to help people – through marketing.
Digital marketing has exploded in my generation and is constantly changing, and yet the impact continues to climb. Finding creative ways to talk about the same subjects, solving old problems, or creating something out of nothing is invigorating to me. Ideation, creativity, and productivity play hand in hand in this field and each day that I get to use these skills is another day I am thankful for.