Lauren Mulligan
Client Service Advisor
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Hyperactive has been the word used to describe me my entire life. As a child, my nickname was Taz, as in the Tasmanian Devil. My parent’s only solution to this energy, was sports. Fitness has always been the center of everything I do. In college I studied Exercise Science. I graduated from Old Dominion University in 2012, with a Bachelor’s in Exercise Physiology. After college, I worked in many capacities in the fitness industry (Physical Therapy, wellness programming, personal training, and group exercise)
In 2017 I had my first child, I decided to take a break from fitness and stay home with my son. During this time, I realized I wanted my fitness passion for myself. The break from teaching others, gave me energy to invest back in my own health and fitness. That decision prompted my search for a new career, that would challenge me to step outside of my comfort zone.
I found a resource that allowed someone like me, with no experience, to get my foot in the door. Through this resource I began working with Eric part time. Eric helped me find an opportunity that allowed me to be present with my family and develop my fitness discipline to financial fitness.
Client engagement, coordinating meetings, day-to-day operations and account administration—my focus is the client at the center of everything. I enjoy the dynamic, ever-changing world of financial planning and the challenging growth experiences it offers. I am honored to play a role in helping clients reach their goals.
I live in Carrollton, Virginia, with my husband, Daniel and my two children, Luke and Rory. I hope to continue to challenge myself physically and mentally, while being present for the ones that I love.
Learn More About Me
If you had an extra hour to yourself in the morning, how would you spend it?
Sitting on my porch enjoying the peace before the day begins.
What’s the most likely place people could find you on a Saturday night?
My backyard. We have a Saturday night ritual at my house. We have a bonfire, grill, and eat outside.
Which would you pick: Living on the beach or living near the mountains?
I love the mountains and the beach. I really love to be outside. If I had to choose where to live, the beach would probably win. There is something very soothing about listening to the ocean. Once of my favorite things to do is watch a storm roll in over the water.
Imagine being approached by a genie who offers you three wishes. What might those wishes be?
Wealth to provide for my family and to be able to travel.
Health – Mental and physical.
To meet the greatest quarterback of all time, Aaron Rodgers.
If you had the ability to travel back in time, what’s something you would tell your 18-year-old self?
Save more and travel as often as you can.